2023 Webinars

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ecfirst Clients 苹果手机全局伋理软件下载

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Continents 5

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苹果手机全局伋理软件下载 50

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certificate 20,000

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credientials 3

Established Cybersecurity Credentials

  • CCPA
  • GDPR
  • CHP
  • CSCS™
  • CCSA℠

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Risk Analysis

It is a HIPAA & HITECH Meaningful Use Mandate. Small Practices, large health systems, business associates must comply. Conduct a risk analysis exercise annually.

Vulnerability Assessment

Compliance mandates require the infrastructure to be assessed from the outside (external), from the inside (internal), firewall (DMZ) and wireless.

On-Demand Consulting (ODC)

手机央广网 - 警惕社会心理极化:2021-12-13 · 互联网约车软件公司在互联网体验经济的巨大压力下,不需要交通管理部门的监管,自身就通过各种规章制度将车辆和司机管理得井井有条。在安全方面,与手机绑定的车牌号也给乘客带来更高的 …

Managed Cybersecurity Services Program (MCSP)

MCSP designed to assist organizations, including business associates manage cybersecurity requirements, security & core components of the infrastructure.

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Partnership Announcement – Virtual Auditor and ecfirst.
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机票伋理利用软件漏洞出售明星航班记录 28人落网_新闻中心 ...:2021-10-10 · 机票伋理利用软件漏洞出售一线明星航班记录 枣庄破获部督“3.12”特大网络侵犯公民个人信息案 法制网讯记者徐鹏通讯员刘贵增王爱华包月手机 ...
The Center for Health Affairs & ecfirst Partner to Help Hospitals Navigate COVID-19 Cyber Risk, May 26, 2023.
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OPPO和vivo的“人民战争”:2021-9-1 · 华为把苹果打得透不过气。OPPO和vivo又给了乔布斯神话猛烈一击。这场智能手机世纪大战,卷入了全球所有高科技巨头,作为人类商业历史上最伟大的战争,其戏剧不断,高潮迭起:2021年第二季度的全球智能手机排行榜上,黑马杀出!
微库为8亿会员的微信“偷偷”干了什么? - huanqiu.com:2021-10-15 · 据不完全统计,在拥有近8亿会员的微信上,已有几百万家嗅觉敏锐的伋业开始借助微信做营销,并且有相当一部分伋业做得风生水起。基于微信在 ...
2021年度北京市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议 - 千龙网· ...:2021年2月10日下午14:00在北京会议中心9号楼3层多功能厅召开2021年度市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议。
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Rockford Health System


ecfirst provides excellent value across a comprehensive portfolio of first rate solutions for regulations such as HIPAA | HITECH compliance, risk analysis, social engineering, vulnerability assessment, disaster recovery and business continuity. ecfirst is an excellent business partner that focuses on long term, successful relationships through consistently successful project delivery.

Joe Granneman
宁愿因过早保持谨慎而少赚一笔,也胜过等危机 ...-荔枝网新闻:2021-8-3 · Andrew指出,苹果手机只有10年的历史,而 20年前互联网并未普及。这让人怀疑,科技股的投资者是否真的能够看清未来?又有多少人心甘情 愿为这些伋业长期盈利能力的乐观预期支付高价?


We have come to rely on ecfirst as our partner for HIPAA and HITECH compliance. As a preferred client in the ecfirst Managed Compliance Services Program (MCSP), ecfirst makes sure that we do the right things at the right times with critical mandates. We have come to rely upon their expertise and are secure in knowing that we are getting the best advice possible. We would highly recommend ecfirst to any covered entity or business associate.

Lawrence Roberts, Principal
宁愿因过早保持谨慎而少赚一笔,也胜过等危机 ...-荔枝网新闻:2021-8-3 · Andrew指出,苹果手机只有10年的历史,而 20年前互联网并未普及。这让人怀疑,科技股的投资者是否真的能够看清未来?又有多少人心甘情 愿为这些伋业长期盈利能力的乐观预期支付高价?

Prime Healthcare

Prime Healthcare and its network of hospitals are excited to have exclusively selected ecfirst, home of the HIPAA Academy, to address HIPAA and HITECH regulatory compliance mandates. The engagement is based on the ecfirst Managed Compliance Services Program (MCSP) which is a complete end-to-end comprehensive compliance solution that addresses risk analysis, technical vulnerability assessment, policy development, social engineering, business impact analysis, creation of a disaster recovery plan, as well as on-demand remediation services for risk management (corrective action plan).

Corporate Marketing


Ensuring secure and appropriate access is not just a compliance requirement, but vital for protecting confidential patient information. Northwest Community Healthcare (NCH) has been very fortunate to find a partner in ecfirst to address several compliance challenges, be it HIPAA, HITECH, PCI DSS or the FACTA – Red Flags Rule. NCH has been an early adopter of the ecfirst Managed Compliance Services Program (MCSP) which provides a comprehensive framework to address areas such as Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), Risk Analysis, Vulnerability Assessment, Security Remediation, Training, Certification, Policy Updates and more. ecfirst has been a highly valued and responsive partner in its role to enable NCH to be a more trusted hospital

Suresh Krishnan
【今日头条】:2021-4-4 · 英媒质疑FBI和苹果:120英镑小装置就可破解密码 150名日本自卫队士兵今日进驻钓鱼岛附近岛屿 中国赛-特鲁姆普首亮相大胜 傅家俊5-0晋级16强 新生婴儿缺氧神经受损 父亲不告而别(图) 网友晒草稿纸 算国足出线概率为41.26%(图) 动图-詹姆斯1V2统治禁区 强硬

State of Illinois, Department of Human Services

I discovered ecfirst, Home of the HIPAA Academy, when I made an application to the National HIPAA Summit in Washington DC. As part of the application process, HIPAA Academy’s HIPAA certification courses were offered. I highly recommend the ecfirst and The HIPAA Academy certification courses.

Peg Tanner
HIPAA Chief Privacy Officer



Aultman Hospital in Ohio provides a broad spectrum of healthcare, with renowned specialties in emergency, acute, and primary care. The privacy and security of patient information is of vital importance to the organization. It is for this reason we selected ecfirst, Home of The HIPAA Academy, to conduct on a regular schedule a thorough and comprehensive review of our safeguards around PHI across the enterprise. ecfirst came across as a diligent organization, exceptionally professional and responsive to all our requirements, be it policy review, risk analysis or technical vulnerability assessment. A relationship of trust has been established and we have no hesitation in recommending ecfirst

Barbara J. McGill, AAB, CHP, CSCS™
HIPAA Security Officer/Analyst

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MediSys Health Network
Provant Health